Revitalizing Your Municipal Budget
How investing in Revitalization can balance your budget.
Downtown economic factors have shifted with the advent of online shopping. Why are some towns transitioning better than others? Being proactive versus reactive is the difference.
Some towns lose momentum for a time, and then pray to pull themselves back from the brink. Other towns have great, underutilized assets, infrastructure and prospects, yet face challenges in revenue growth without a dreaded tax increase. For most towns, economic development can seem like an endless roll of the dice, reacting to unsolicited, unwanted, and undesirable proposals from developers. These relationships are often adversarial.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Barth Consulting Group’s – Development by Design™ Strategies courts and cultivates the type of development desired by municipalities. In the communities we serve, residents want the same basic things: vibrant downtowns, economic vitality, high quality of life; a place they are proud to call home.
Revitalizing communities often starts on Main Streets – its impact is broad reaching and ripples far beyond town centers into all areas of the community. Some aspects of revitalization are seen front and center in downtown districts where vacant stores are filled, new shops open, new signs go up, facade improvements are made and Main Streets are given a facelift with new paving, lighting, awnings, etc. Other visible signs of growth are new jobs, new housing, new factories and the repurposing of blighted properties.
Municipal revenues can be increased through sustainable economic development that has far-reaching, long-term impact on municipal budgets and the regional economy.
Development by Design ™ is a forward thinking, proven protocol formulated by Barth Consulting Group. We collaborate with municipalities to cultivate action plans that create and facilitate desirable and sustainable growth. Our high-altitude, 30,000-foot perspective analyzes a community, its assets and utilizes economic data generated through resident surveys, town hall/stakeholder meetings to develop and articulate a proactive revitalization plan.
Municipal revenues can be increased through cultivated economic activity. An environment of vitality inspires new investment and increases new Real Estate Taxes, Real Estate Transfer Taxes, Earned Income Taxes, Local Service Taxes and Fees & Permits.
Can Revitalizing your community work for you?