Funding & Tax Programs
Revitalization Funding & Creative Tax Programs

(Pictured: The award winning Jacksonville Green – Hatboro, PA)
Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance (LERTA)
Jacksonville Green was a blighted, vacant 4-acre factory complex that was empty for 25 years.
Barth Consulting Group secured developers and investors to repurpose this 1900s factory building into a high-end, 85-unit project with underground parking. This $20 million, transportation oriented development lies within two blocks of SEPTA’s Hatboro train station.
LERTA is a tax abatement program that authorizes local taxing authorities to provide tax exemption. The purpose of LERTA is to incentivize redevelopment of aging or deteriorating properties.
BCG has worked successfully with developers, municipalities, school districts and county taxing authorities to establish LERTA programs in numerous communities.
Historic Preservation Tax Credits (HPTC)

(Pictured: The Delbar – Perkasie, PA)
Delbar, a former automotive mirror factory, was vacant for 14 years and sitting on the edge of Perkasie’s growing town center.
Barth Consulting Group courted and secured developers to repurpose this 1916 factory complex situated on 7-acres, spanning three downtown blocks. The property is being converted into 98 luxury apartments with 10-foot industrial windows, oak timbers, and exposed brick interior & exterior walls.
HPTC provides tax credits to qualified taxpayers who will be completing the restoration of a qualified historic structure into an income producing property.
BCG worked successfully with the developer and taxing authorities to establish a 10-year LERTA program.
Educational Improvement Tax Credits (EITC)

(Pictured: The Union Library – Hatboro, PA)
The Union Library of Hatboro, founded in 1755, was underfunded and facing a financial crisis.
Barth Consulting Group recommended creative ways to raise funds for the library, the main goal being to secure additional annual funding sources.
Educational Improvement Tax Credits are an innovative revitalization/tax tool created by the State of Pennsylvania to fund educational programs outside of normal school taxes. The State allows Pennsylvania companies to redirect State Taxes to K-12 accredited educational programs in lieu of sending taxes to the State. The EITC tax credits may be assigned locally to school district education foundations and/or other 501c3 educational institutions.
BCG worked with the state representative’s office to designate the library as an EITC recipient. Additionally, BCG coordinated with a local bank to reallocate their existing EITC funding to include the library. Since that time, the library has received more than $200,000 through this program.